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Settling-in procedure

At Chingford House Nursery we believe that the early years is an adventurous time, we want the children to be excited about learning and discovering new things as well as forming positive relationships. However, before they get to that stage, we need to support the children’s emotional well-being right from the beginning so that the children are happy to be with us.


Each child is unique, so we cannot pre-determine how the children will cope with the separation from their parents; however, we have created a settling-in process which gives us a foundation to support the children; we can then tailor our support according to the children’s needs.


The settling-in period runs over four days, this gradual process helps the child to understand that they will be spending time away from their parents.


Day 1: Parent and child stay for 30mins (10-10.30)

child stays without parent (10:30-11)

Day 2: Parent leaves their child for 2 hours (9-11)

Day 3: Parent leaves their child for 3 hours (9-12)

Day 4: Parent leaves their child for 5 hours (9-2)

(Please note that we do not carry out settling-in days on Fridays)


Some nurseries charge for the whole settling-in period. However we just charge one day’s fees (£70) for the four days, so that we can employ another member of staff; this will enable your Key Person to spend 1-1 time with your child.


The settling-in process begins the week before your child’s official start date to enable a smoother transition.  We believe that your child will then be ready for a full day with us.


Your Key Person will spend 1-1 time with your child, the purpose of this is to establish a close relationship which will help the children to separate from the parents; as well as this, the attachment allows your child to develop a secure base with their Key Person in which they will have the confidence to form other relationships and to enjoy learning.

Your Key Person will get to know your child’s likes, dislikes and their interests as well as their developmental needs; this information is then used to inform the planning and how we support your child’s learning.


We recognise that leaving your child for the first time may be worrying; please note that we are also here to support you too, so feel free to speak with us. We understand that parents have work commitments so we ask that the parents bring and stay with their child for the first visit but after that, if you need other family members or friends to support the settling in process, that is fine.


Please spend a few days before starting nursery talking to your child about what will happen when they start (if age appropriate), this will help your child to know that you are happy too! When the time comes to physically leave your child, they may become distressed, this is perfectly natural. Once you say goodbye we will ask you to go, please don’t try to come back or prolong the separation as that makes it harder for all involved!


During the initial separation we will send you photos of your child by text/

WhatsApp message so that you can see that they are beginning to settle with us. Parents can also call the nursery to reassure themselves that their child is fine.


The children, particularly, the younger ones, may start to cry as soon as you return; this does not mean that they have been crying the whole time you have been away, it just means that they are relieved that you are back!

Your Key Person and the other Key staff in the room will ensure that your child has a happy and fun experience with us.


Over the next 8 weeks, your Key Person will monitor the progress that your child has made and then will arrange a telephone review meeting.



We want your child to try to cope as best that they can; if your child has a comfort toy, snuggle blanket/pillow or a favourite toy, please allow them to bring it to nursery as it provides security and familiarity.


Babies and young children will need nappies, wipes and formula where applicable.

If your child has a dairy intolerance, we also ask you to provide your child with an alternative milk substitute. 


Children also need several sets of spare clothes in case they wet or soil their clothes.


In some cases, children may not eat very much for the first few days; we ask parents to bring a small favourite snack (not sweets, chocolates or anything containing nuts) that they can eat if they do not want to eat the food that is offered to them.


Thank you for choosing Chingford House Nursery for your child’s Early Years’ experience.

If you have any concerns or queries, please speak with your Key Person or Yolande (Manager)

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