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Complaints Policy


Our aim at Chingford House Nursery is to offer a high standard of childcare and education; we strive to deliver a service in which the nursery can be proud.

In striving for excellence, Chingford House Nursery is happy to receive ideas and suggestions as to how we can improve our practices; to this end we carry out annual Parent Surveys that inform our quality improvement plan. Alongside this, we have a suggestion box where parents can anonymously leave suggestions/ideas that we can consider incorporating into nursery life. There have been instances where parents have given staff or the nursery cards or gifts, particularly at the end of a term or when a child is leaving. We are happy to receive them in lieu of compliments for the quality of the service that we offer; monetary gifts should be in the form of vouchers. We are proud to display the cards from  parents/children as we are grateful for your appreciation. The staff must inform the Manager if they receive any gifts.

However, saying this, at Chingford House Nursery we acknowledge that we do not always ‘get things right’ but we take every step to rectify matters as quickly as possible if they are brought to our attention.


Named Person

Yolande Farrell is the Nursery Manager and  has overall responsibility in ensuring that the nursery is providing a safe, consistent, inclusive and high-quality environment. Ultimately complaints will be looked into or investigated by her.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (2021) highlights the need for childcare providers to provide written guidance in how a grievance or a complaint can be lodged. If a parent/carer/user has a concern either involving their child, staff or the nursery that they are not happy with they should follow the procedure as outlined below.


Stage 1

If a parent has any concerns regarding their child, they should first raise the matter with their Key Person/Room Leader (notes may be taken for future reference)


Stage 2

If the parent is not happy with the outcome or the matter has not been resolved to their satisfaction, they can arrange to discuss the matter with the Manager (notes will be taken).
Parents should put their complaint in writing/email to: who may instigate further proceedings and an investigation. Once the Manager has investigated the complaint, she will inform the parent as to the outcome. Written complaints and subsequent investigations are recorded and stored in a confidential file.


Stage 3

If after this stage the parent is still unhappy with the outcome of the investigation a formal meeting will be held with the Manager and Owner. The parent may have a partner/friend present should they need further support. All matters relating to the complaint will be discussed and any action to be taken if appropriate. The discussion will be recorded and signed by all present and stored in the confidential file.


Stage 4

Chingford House Nursery endeavours to resolve all matters of concern to the best of their ability; however, parents can contact Ofsted at any stage of the complaints procedure.

Parents are invited to contact Ofsted in all matters relating to a breach of registration or a safeguarding concern.


The Ofsted contact details are: 0300 123 1231 or Applications, Regulatory and Contact (ARC) Team, Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD.


If parents have any concerns about the Manager, they should contact the Owner: Zarkar Akhtar on 020 8527 2902 or via email: Similarly, parents can contact the Manager if there any concerns about the Owner. If, however, parents prefer to contact Ofsted, they can do so on the details as provided above.


In some instances, once an investigation has taken place and matters have been resolved, where appropriate and with consent from those involved, the Manager may share information with the other parents or staff (without breaking confidentiality); the matter may be used as a learning tool or to raise awareness in our endeavours in improving quality.


Please note that if parents have any child protection concerns (that a child may be at risk of abuse or concerns about their welfare), they should immediately report this to the Designated Safeguarding Lead Yolande Farrell or Waltham Forest Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).


The nursery has a legal duty to hear any complaints within 28 days of receiving it.


The nursery is required to keep records of any complaints made for 3 years.



Policy created by Yolande Farrell Manager

Signed off by: Zarkar Akhtar Owner

Date: February 2022

Date of next review: February 2024

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