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Inclusion & Equality Policy

Mission statement:
Our service is fully inclusive in meeting the needs of all children and their families. We
recognise that our families come from diverse backgrounds and have needs and values
arising from their socioeconomic, ethnic, cultural or religious backgrounds.


We value and respect that children grow up in diverse family structures, whether it includes
two parents, a lone parent, same sex parents or children brought up by grandparents, other
extended members of the family or by foster parents.


Some children have needs that arise from a disability or impairment or may have parents
that are affected by mental health issues or have their own challenges. We understand that
some children come from families who experience social exclusion, severe hardship or
abuse; we acknowledge that some families experience discrimination, isolation and
exclusion. More importantly, we understand that these factors may affect children’s well-
being and can impact their learning and development.


However, our attitude and ethos at Chingford House Nursery does not change in how we
treat children and families. We are clear in our position that we are
committed to an anti-discriminatory practice; we want to create equal opportunities for all
and that we value and celebrate diversity. Our priority is to ensure the well-being and welfare
of the children that attend our setting.


We aim to:
• Provide a secure and accessible environment in which all of our children can flourish
• Include, value and appreciate the contribution and involvement of all our families
• Provide positive, non-stereotyping learning and education about gender roles, family structures, ethnic and cultural groups and disabled children and adults
• Improve our knowledge and understanding of issues of anti-discriminatory practice, and promoting equality and valuing diversity through training
• Challenge and eliminate discriminatory actions from staff, parents and users of the setting
• Ensure that inclusion is a common thread through all our activities, resources and attitudes throughout the nursery
• Foster good relations between all communities



At Chingford House Nursery we adhere to many regulations, guidance and policies to ensure that we are meeting regulatory conditions. In showing due regard to this policy, it is informed by the:

  • Equalities Act 2010

  • Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2024)

  • Special Educational Needs Disability Code of Practice: 0-25yrs (2014)

  • Children and Families Act (2014)


Named Person for Inclusion & Equality:

Padmalekha Padmanabhan (Lekha) has the responsibility alongside the Manager and
Owner to ensure that we are promoting a non-stereotypical, anti-discriminatory practice and
that we are creating an inclusive ethos and attitude within the nursery. Lekha’s
responsibilities are to help to audit resources to ensure that they depict and embrace the
diverse cultures, ethnicities, gender, family structures and abilities and disabilities. Lekha will
also help to ensure that the Inclusion and Equality policy is implemented throughout our
practices and that staff are conversant with the policy. Lekha will also be responsible for
advising staff, cascading information to the team and ensuring that, as a setting, we are kept
abreast of current guidance and legislation. Lekha will undertake training to ensure that she
carries out this position to a high standard.


Children & Families:

At Chingford House Nursery we feel that it is important that, right from the outset, we ensure that parents are aware of our inclusion and equality ethos, which is highlighted in our Admissions policy. 


We operate a Key Person approach which enables us to establish strong and positive partnerships with the children and families. This approach ensures that families are valued and treated as individuals as well as ensuring that we understand and respect their culture, religious belief/faith,attitude and ethnicity.


We support the children by:

  • Understanding that play is the vehicle for promoting learning and development; we

promote play opportunities to help children to understand that exclusion from other
children playing can be hurtful

  • Ensuring that all children have the opportunity to experience a challenging, appropriate,

broad and enjoyable programme of learning and development based on their individual
needs and interests

  • Differentiating activities and experiences to suit children’s individual learning needs and

to ensure that all children can participate in them (see our Special Educational Needs &
Disability policy)

  • Providing activities and experiences for the children that celebrate


  • Valuing the children’s views, ideas and opinions and giving them a forum to express

themselves, whilst ensuring that they understand that their opinions may differ from

  • Celebrating children’s similarities and differences ensuring that they have a positive

sense of self and that they begin to learn tolerance and respect for others

  • Ensuring that children have a good foundation on which to build positive attitudes for

other cultures, ethnicities, gender and abilities other than their own


We include families by:
• Acknowledging that all families can contribute and enrich our nursery
• Understanding that parents have expertise in their own culture which enables them to advise and support the staff when we are celebrating festivals
• Establishing a positive and effective dialogue to ensure that we are working in partnership with the parents in supporting their children and that any concerns regarding their child's development is brought to their attention as soon as possible
• Ensuring that all parents have a voice and that they are encouraged to complete parental surveys or speak with their Key Person or Manager in respect of our provision
• Encouraging parents to be actively involved in the nursery, through attending meetings, speaking with staff and joining in cultural/international evenings.



Our curriculum endeavours to be child centred and individualised to meet children’s needs.
We use the children’s interests and experiences as part of our plans so that it has more
meaning to them. Themes such as ‘All about me’ enable the children to learn about
community, the environment and how other people live. As a multicultural nursery we cater
for children who have diverse linguistic backgrounds; we encourage families to continue to
speak with their children in their home language, whilst we provide a language-rich
environment which will support their communication and English language skills. We aim to
provide some of our displays in different languages to reflect our diverse community. We
respect the contribution that the staff, children and parents make to the curriculum and
celebrate how it supports and enriches the children’s learning.



The staff endeavour to introduce and celebrate the festivals that reflect the children that
attend the setting as well as other festivals that the children can embrace as part of an
understanding that they live in a wider society. We feel that by exposing the children to a rich
diversity of cultures, it will help to shape an attitude of tolerance towards others. Where and
when circumstances allow we want to continue to celebrate cultural and international
days/evenings with all the children, families and staff.



Children generally benefit from practical activities to support their learning and development.
Mealtimes are considered a social event in many cultures and we continue that thinking in
terms of celebrating festivals through the sharing of different and diverse cultural foods. It
goes with saying that we still continue to adhere to any medical or dietary needs that the
children may have.


Environment and resources:

Our aim is to provide an environment which is inclusive to all; we make every effort to ensure
that the rooms are adequate in supporting a physical disability that a child may have,
although two rooms are only accessible by stairs.
Tables, chairs, toilets and sinks are at adequate height for children and our resources are
age appropriate.

Dual language books, multicultural posters, music and role play materials
all play an important part in depicting positive images for the children, which is audited
throughout the year by the Named Person for Inclusion and Equality. We have a range of
diverse equipment and resources which is suitable for all children and where appropriate,
there is specialist equipment and resources to support children who may have a special
educational need or disability.



Chingford House Nursery is an equal opportunities employer and advertises itself as such.
Candidates are recruited by employing a consistent process which is fair and equitable.
Candidates are assessed against pre-set criteria and are offered the position based on who
best meets the criteria. During the induction process, staff will be informed of their
responsibilities in adopting our inclusive and non-discriminatory ethos; staff will be given the
Inclusion and Equality policy to familiarise themselves in how we work. Alongside the Named
Person, staff are expected to undertake training as part of their continuous professional
development. Chingford House Nursery uses ‘Noodle Now’ as a platform for online training
which includes courses such as ‘disadvantaged families’ and ‘inclusion, equality & diversity’.
Staff meetings are forums in which staff can discuss issues such as how we are promoting
diversity or ways in which to improve our practices. If staff have any concerns, they can raise
them at the staff meeting or discuss them in a more formal confidential meeting with the


Discriminatory remarks or behaviour

At times, children say things that can be considered hurtful to others; this may also include
remarks which could be deemed as derogatory. We appreciate that some of these remarks
may be what they have overheard, and they may not fully understand the hurt that it may
cause; in these situations, the staff will speak with the child to address the matter in a
sensitive way and the parents will be informed at the end of the day. The staff may use the
incident as a learning tool and address this with the children so that the children can
understand the importance of inclusion and tolerance.


It is important that staff understand and accept that they may have their own preconceptions,
stereotypes and bias; it is important therefore that we discuss issues as a staff team and
ensure that we adopt and promote an inclusive environment.


Any discriminatory remarks made by a parent/carer, user of the setting or a member of staff
will be quietly and sensitively challenged; they will be informed that discrimination and
prejudice is not something that is tolerated at Chingford House Nursery.


Process for dealing with concerns:

If a parent or member of staff raises a concern where they think that they have been
discriminated against, or feel that they have been racially or sexually abused, they can
formally complain to the Manager. An investigation will take place including interviews with
the complainant, the alleged person and any witnesses.
It is our intention to support any claims of discrimination but also to ensure that we have a
fair and non-judgemental investigation process. A report will be sent to all those involved
following the investigation.
If it is found that a parent has behaved in a manner deemed racially or sexually
inappropriate, they may be excluded from entering the premises. If a member of staff has
been found to have behaved inappropriately, they will face disciplinary action. All notes and
reports relating to an investigation are strictly confidential and are filed in a secure place.


Reviewing the Inclusion and Equality policy:

The Inclusion & Equality policy is a working document; the Named Person and the Manager
continually review and evaluate its effectiveness whilst implementing the policy. This policy
will be reviewed in two years’ time but updates and changes can be made throughout the

The rights, opinions and voices of the children, staff and parents will continue to form part of
this policy.


Policy created by Yolande Farrell Manager

Signed off by: Zarkar Akhtar Owner

Date: Sept 2024

Date of next review: Sept 2026

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